Aarti Dixit
University of Southern California Graduate Student Research Symposium
1st Place Runner-Up
Health Promotion and Wellness
Oral Presentation: “Affective Mechanisms Underlying Exercise in Daily Life: eMOTION Pilot Study”
Shirlene Wang
Society of Behavioral Medicine Child and Family Health SIG 2021
Society of Behavioral Medicine Child and Family Health SIG 2021 Abstract Award
Received for her abstract “Examining the Impact of COVID-19 Stress on Maternal Feeding Practices and Child Intake Using Ecological Momentary Assessment.” Shirlene was honored with a plaque and $100 at the SBM annual meeting.
Bridgette Do, MPH
American Public Health Association 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo
APHA 2020 Physical Activity Section Best Student Oral Presentation Award
Received for her presentation “Physical activity and sedentary time among mothers of school-aged children: Differences in accelerometer-derived metric patterns by demographic, employment, and household factors”
Bridgette Do, MPH
American Public Health Association 2020 Annual Meeting
Lyndon Haviland Student Assembly Annual Meeting Scholarship
Received by Bridgette Do for her submission entitled “Physical activity and sedentary time among mothers of school-aged children: Differences in accelerometer-derived metric patterns by employment and household factors”
Shirlene Wang
USC Center for the Changing Family: Small Grants for Projects on COVID-19 and the Family
Awarded to Shirlene for her study proposal looking at COVID-19’s impact on the COVID-19 pandemic on stress, emotion, and maternal feeding practices in the natural environment.
Christine Naya
USC Center for the Changing Family: Small Grants for Projects on COVID-19 and the Family
Awarded to Christine Naya for her study proposal looking at COVID-19’s impact on trying to conceive (TTC) decisions.
Sydney O’Connor
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2020
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Received by Sydney O’Connor for her dissertation entitled “Sleep health and variability in youth: A real-time data capture study to examine influences on daily dietary intake patterns and longitudinal weight trajectories”
Wei-Lin Wang
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2020
Best Abstract from a First Time Submission Award
Received by Wei-Lin Wang for his submission entitled “Mean level and variability of positive affect and sleep quantity among mothers”
Shirlene Wang
SAA 2020 Conference Student and Early Career Researcher Travel Award
Received by Shirlene Wang for her submission entitled “Validating social context EMA data with dyadic global positioning systems (GPS) data”

Sydney O’Connor
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2019
Trainee Flash Talk Award, Obesity and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group
Meritorious Student Abstract, Society of Behavioral Medicine 2019
Received by Sydney O’Connor for her submission entitled “Usual and daily effects of sleep health on children’s dietary intake”

Bridgette Do, MPH
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2019
SBM Meritorious Student Abstract Award 2019
Received by Bridgette Do for her submission entitled “Investigating the association between maternal support and children’s healthy eating using Ecological Momentary Assessment”

Christine Naya
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2019
SBM Meritorious Student Award 2019
SBM Citation Award
2019 SBM Obesity and Eating Disorder Special Interest Group Student Flash Talk Finalist 2019
Received by Christine Naya for her talk entitled “Daily Associations of Cortisol and Perceived Stress among Children and Their Parents.”

Shirlene Wang
Society of Behavioral Medicine 2019
Behavioral Informatics and Technology Special Interest Group Overall Outstanding Abstract Award 2019
Received by Shirlene Wang for her submission entitled “Investigating Mothers’ Role Modeling of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Using Ecological Momentary Assessment”

Genevieve F. Dunton, Ph.D, MPH
University of Southern California, Office of the Provost
2019 USC Mentoring Award Faculty Mentoring Faculty, Postdoctoral Scholars, Medical Residents and Fellows
Since Dr. Genevieve Dunton’s faculty appointment in 2009, she has consistently embodied excellence in mentoring, creating a supportive and collaborative environment at USC that has fostered the careers of many successful researchers. Her commitment to scientific progress, integrity, and role modeling in creating an inclusive, supportive environment speaks to her strong commitment to mentoring at USC.

Bridgette Do, MPH
American Public Health Association, Annual Meeting and Expo
Received by Bridgette Do for her submission entitled “Examining within-day effects of ego depletion on physical activity using Ecological Momentary Assessment.”

Jaclyn P. Maher
University of Southern California, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Postdoctoral Scholar Training and Travel Award 2016
Received b Jaclyn P. Mayer to present findings from Project MOBILE at the 2016 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting

Sydney O’Connor
Society of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewers and Program Committee
Meritorious Student Abstract Award 2016
Received by Sydney O’Connor for her submission entitled “Momentary Assessment of the Association of Stress and Affect on Dietary Intake in Children.”