Affective Influences on Cancer Control Behaviors
USC Zumberge Interdisciplinary Large Grant
(Dunton, PI)
P01 study overview presentation
P01 study overview slides
We propose a transdisciplinary program of research to elucidate common affective (emotion-based) mechanisms that underpin a diversity of cancer control behaviors. This research program will converge principles and methods of affective neuroscience (USC Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI), led by co-PI, Dr. Antonio Damasio in Dornsife), addiction science (USC Health, Emotion, and Addiction Laboratory [HEAL], led by co-PI, Dr. Adam Leventhal at Keck), and health behavior research (USC Real-time Eating, Activity, and Children’s Health [REACH] Lab, led by PI, Dr. Genevieve Dunton at Keck).