Welcome to REACH Lab
About REACH Lab
The Real-Time Eating Activity and Children’s Health (REACH) Lab at the University of Southern California is an interdisciplinary group of researchers and students led by Dr. Genevieve Dunton. We develop, test, and apply Intensive Longitudinal Data (ILD) capture and analysis technologies to examine micro-temporal processes underlying the adoption and maintenance of physical activity and eating behaviors in children, young people, and families.

Real-Time Data Capture Methodologies
A particular focus of the USC REACH Lab is the development, testing, and application of real-time data capture methodologies to better understand the effects of environmental, social, and psychological factors on eating and physical activity.

Remote Sensing and Communication Technologies
Our projects use remote sensing and communication technologies such as smartphones, accelerometers, and GPS to deliver real-time electronic surveys (Ecological Momentary Assessment [EMA]), measure physical activity and eating, and monitor geographic location to better understand causes and correlates of health behavior.

We are also running several projects that integrate Bluetooth signals from external sensors such as asthma inhalers, air pollution monitors, and ultraviolet sensors to trigger smartphone-based EMA Surveys.